Rules of Sight reading

Sight reading can be stressful and full of the fear of the unknown. When I was high school age, I dreaded it at every audition. There did come a time when i realized, that the only way to get better at sight reading was to do it. I came up with a system and suddenly my attitude towards sight reading changed and I was able to build my confidence.

As a professional flute player, I welcome anyone to put sight reading in front of me. I see it as a challenge and am happy to sight read the gnarliest looking music.

Here are the rules I always follow:

Rules for Sight Reading

1. Check the Key Signature 2. Check the Time Signature

3. Check the Tempo

4. Most importantly! Get a beat in your head!

5. Sing in head silently and look for Trouble spots.Don’t just jump in, take a minute to look the piece over!

Try to always perform these following things in sightreading!

A. Correct notes/pitches

B. Correct Rhythms

C. Correct articulations

D. Add in dynamics

E. Feel the phrases and add proper breath marks.